The Festival's Contribution

The benefit of the festival was much more than just a gathering of Saskatchewan Francophones in a festive atmosphere. Laurier Gareau emphasizes that it made it possible for them get to know each other better and eventually to work better together (audio). It was also an opportunity to make the majority Anglophone community aware of the Fransaskois community. Philippe Potié tells how several Anglophones took part in organization of the festival when it took place in their community (audio).

The benefit to those who hosted the festival was also important. Hélène Marchildon remembers the unifying effect of the festival on the people of Zenon Park, who all cared about the success of this joint project (audio). Gilles Groleau, former president of the ACF, recalls for his part the economic benefit of the festival for the small communities, which added to the human benefit (audio).