Activity 2

Learning Objectives

Fransaskois program
- Knowledge: in studying the history of the Fransaskois, understand, use and apply concepts of conflict, time, change and institutions.
- Skills: research, gather, summarize, compare; share information.
- Values: recognize with pride the contribution of several Fransaskois to the development of the Fransaskois community we know today.
- Basic learning: use a wide range of language experience so that students are more familiar with a subject (communication); understand that technology affects society and is affected by it (introduction to technology); help better understanding of the personal, moral, social and cultural aspects in school subjects (personal and social abilities and values).

Immersion program:
- Knowledge: explain the seven key elements of culture and give examples: economics, politics, family, art, religion, education and recreation.
- Skills: classify and present relevant information and ideas; compare information and ideas in different ways: in writing, orally and in graphic form; undertake a research process to locate, gather, organize and present relevant data; participate appropriately and effectively in the group.
- Values: recognize the contributions of each cultural group and the resulting multicultural nature of Canadian society.
Target Audience

Students at the secondary level

Ideas studied

- The evolution of the Fête fransaskoise over time and its contribution to the Francophone
community in Saskatchewan.


- Students work in teams of two.
- Students study the site and choose an aspect of the Festival which especially interests them (history - linked to activities, craftspeople or artists, the meaning of the festival).
- Students choose a player in the festival connected with the aspect they have chosen and are to interview this person. It can be someone who simply took part in the festival, one of the organizers, an artist, a member of the organizing committee, etc.

Teacher's Resource

- The students are to do an interview and prepare a report. These reports will be published on the Internet or in a booklet to be distributed to all the students.

Material used

All sections from the site about the Fête fransaskoise.
The 'Journalism genres' section on the L'InterAgence Jeune Press site.